Exercise and Diet for Weight Loss

No Matter What, You Must Exercise and Diet for Weight Loss

Long Term Healthy Weight Loss

How to Beat Your Biology and Achieve Long-Term Healthy Weight Loss

How to Beat Your Biology and Achieve Long-Term Healthy Weight Loss Losing weight is a challenge, particularly when you want to lose it for good. Even studies have proven that nearly everyone will gain back the weight that they lost within months or years. And, it’s even possible that you will end up gaining even more weight than you lost! How can you beat your biology and achieve long-term healthy weight loss? Check out the tips below for some helpful advice. Avoiding Dieting Long-Term One of the ways to achieve healthy weight loss is by avoiding dieting for the long run because it’s actually at odds with your natural biology. After all, losing weight isn’t something that your body is […]
Phentramin-D Weight Loss Surgery Types for Obesity gastric band diagram

Weight Loss Surgery Types Are Not All Equal for Patients with Severe Obesity

Weight Loss Surgery Types Are Not All Equal for Patients with Severe Obesity Although you might only think of one type of weight loss surgery, there are actually a few different procedures available. And, researchers have now found that weight loss surgery types are not all equal for patients who have been diagnosed with severe obesity. Continue reading to learn more. An Older Procedure Might Be Better for Some People According to Reuters, a study suggests that individuals who are extremely obese might end up losing more weight if they undergo one of the older weight loss surgery types, such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This means that they may experience better results with this procedure than they would if they […]
Phentramin-D Doctors Don't Like Detox Diets

Doctors Hate Detox Diets and Here’s Why

Doctors Hate Detox Diets and Here’s Why There are a lot of different detox diets out there, all claiming to help flush toxins out of your body. The diets also claim that, by following a super restrictive eating plan, juicing, or fasting, you will end up losing weight. But, the truth is that doctors hate detox diets for several reasons, which are outlined below. The Side Effects Aren’t Pretty According to WebMD, detox diets aren’t fun. They cause feelings of weakness and hunger, and because they are so low in nutrients, they can lead to nutritional deficiencies if you follow them for extended periods of time. In addition to low energy levels, other nasty side effects associated with detox diets […]
Phentramin-D Plate Design for Weight Loss Success

This is How Your Plate Design is Affecting Your Weight Loss Success

This is How Your Plate Design is Affecting Your Weight Loss Success Did you know that your plate design could affect your weight loss success? If you are looking for another way to increase your odds of shedding the excess pounds in a short amount of time, continue reading to learn about an interesting way that you can take your diet to the next level. Weight Loss Success Starts with the Size of Your Plate How much food you can load onto your plate can have an impact upon how much food you end up eating, so it’s no wonder that experts recommend using smaller plates to increase your odds of weight loss success. However, a new study has shown […]
Phentramin-D Restaurant Eating and Weight Gain

Is Eating at Restaurants Contributing to Your Weight Gain?

Is Eating at Restaurants Contributing to Your Weight Gain? Everyone loves going to a restaurant to eat some delicious food and relax while someone else does all of the cooking and cleaning for a change. But, if you eat at restaurants too often, it might be contributing to your weight gain. The information below explains how weight gain and eating at restaurants can be connected, and why you should focus more on creating yummy, nutritious meals at home as often as possible. Serving Sizes Are Huge The majority of the time that you eat at a restaurant, you will be served way too much food. According to SF Gate, a serving size at a restaurant could be a few times the […]
Weight Loss Friendly Home Tips

3 Ways to Create a Weight Loss Friendly Home Environment

3 Ways to Create a Weight Loss Friendly Home Environment You spend a lot of time at home, and it is a reflection of you and your family. What is in your home can have a huge impact upon your mood and your habits every day. So, how can you go about creating a weight loss friendly home environment? Keep Healthy Foods in Your Kitchen When it comes to unhealthy foods that can tempt you into falling off your diet, out of sight is out of mind. The simple act of filling your kitchen with healthy foods and snacks can make a big difference in creating a weight loss friendly home for everyone who lives there. No unhealthy snacks to […]
Healthy Weight Habits to Adopt

8 Healthy Weight Habits to Adopt Right Now

8 Healthy Weight Habits to Adopt Right Now If you wish to maintain a healthy weight, there are certain habits that you should embrace, so we’ve compiled a quick list of eight healthy weight habits that anyone can adopt right now. 1. Eat more slowly so that your body will have more time to register the fact that food is hitting your stomach and that you are filling up. Plus, when you eat more slowly, you can really savor the flavors in your meal. In the end, you might find that you’re eating less, so it will make portion control even easier. 2. Eat more plants because they are packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that are […]
How Stimulants Suppress Appetite

How Stimulants Suppress Appetite

How Stimulants Suppress Appetite You might think that stimulants are only designed to give you energy. While it’s certainly true that the right stimulant could give you a more energized feeling and more focus, it could go a step further, especially if you’re hoping to lose excess weight more quickly. Basically, stimulants suppress appetite while also energizing you. Sounds great, right? But, how exactly do they work? It Starts with Dopamine According to Livestrong, ingredients like amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are found in stimulant products that are designed to help you stay alert and energized for extended periods of time. Put simply, they work because they’re able to boost the level of dopamine that’s released in your brain. What’s dopamine, you […]
Top Reasons Never to Crash Diet

Top 5 Reasons Never to Crash Diet

Top 5 Reasons Never to Crash Diet Crash diets might seem like a good idea to get your body to slim down quickly, but there are several good reasons why you should actually avoid these diets. Continue reading to learn about five reasons never to crash diet. 1. You’ll End Up Holding onto Fat One of the biggest reasons never to crash diet is because it basically has the opposite effect of what you want to achieve: it encourages your body to keep the fat that has already been stored. That’s because your body interprets the crash diet as starvation, so it starts to hold onto whatever resources it can in order to survive. Furthermore, if you do notice the […]