How to Prevent Football Season Weight Gain

5 Ways to Prevent Football Season Weight Gain

5 Ways to Prevent Football Season Weight Gain If you’re a fan of the game, then you might want to think about building the right strategy to prevent football season weight gain. The reason is that studies have shown that throughout the 17 weeks of the season, one quarter of fans gain an average of 10 pounds. This, according to a study conducted by Harris Interactive and that had been sponsored by Nutrisystem. It involved the participation of 1,283 football fans. If you’d rather not find yourself among those who start to look like their favorite players as the weeks go by, it’s important to prevent football season weight gain. Among football fans, 25 percent will gain about 10 pounds. […]
Cause of Your Diet Troubles

Could Your Brain Cells be the Cause of Your Diet Troubles?

Could Your Brain Cells be the Cause of Your Diet Troubles? A recent study that used mice might now be able to explain how brain cells could potentially be the cause of your diet troubles. Basically, there are certain brain cells that could behave as triggers that will prevent you from burning calories whenever there is not enough food around. Continue reading to learn more about this fascinating study, as you may find that the cause of your diet troubles has more to do with your brain than you originally thought. First, Understand How the Body Works To understand how the brain could affect your weight, you have to understand how the body operates on a whole. Firstly, it works […]
Never Compare Your Weight to Your Friends

Why You Should Never Compare Your Weight to Your Friends

Why You Should Never Compare Your Weight to Your Friends While it might be tempting to look at your body in the mirror, analyze its every flaw, and then compare your body to your friends or even to celebrities, this is one of the worst things that you can do. Continue reading to learn why you should never compare your weight to your friends, or anyone else, for that matter. Everyone’s Body Is Unique One of the main reasons why you should never compare your weight to your friends is because every body is unique. You could have two people who weigh the same and yet look quite different. This is because different bodies carry their weight differently. Muscle and […]
Most Important Factor to Losing Weight

The #1 Most Important Factor to Losing Weight

The #1 Most Important Factor to Losing Weight When you want to really get to the core of the matter, it’s easy to want to know the most important factor to losing weight. As much as this is the case, it’s a good idea to recognize that even though there is one thing that has the greatest impact, by limiting your efforts to that one thing, you’re only dragging out the process unnecessarily. That said, recent studies have shown that the most important factor to losing weight is eating right and doing it consistently for the rest of your life. This doesn’t mean that you can stop exercising nor does it mean that if you decide to reduce your calories […]
Is Your Diet Weakening Your Teeth

Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth?

Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth? When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be easy to forget about every goal aside from the number on the scale. The choices you make in terms of what you eat and how you exercise can have an impact on many other parts of your body. Though you may not expect it, one of those affected parts may be your teeth. Many of the most popular weight loss strategies – including those considered to be some of the healthiest – aren’t as kind to our teeth and gums as we would like. For instance, while fruit is an excellent food to include in a healthy diet, it is frequently blended into […]
Health Tips for Weight Loss

5 Health Tips for Weight Loss

5 Health Tips for Weight Loss When you’re trying to drop the extra pounds, the right health tips for weight loss can make the difference between a fast and easy process and one that feels like pulling teeth. When you receive the right advice and focus on wellness alongside your excess fat loss, you are far more likely to be able to keep the weight off over the long term once it’s gone. That said, not all health tips for weight loss are created equal. When you’re trying to lose extra pounds, make sure you focus on those that are realistic and achievable goals. Avoid the ones that are geared toward extremes and fads. They’ll only hold you back in […]
Are You Considered Obese

Are You Considered Obese? How to Decipher the Scale

Are You Considered Obese? How to Decipher the Scale What is it to be considered obese? It’s not just a matter of being overweight or having a larger clothing size. It’s not just about the way you look. Obesity is a disease that has a direct impact on your overall health. When you are considered obese, you are also likely at an increased risk of a spectrum of different types of medical condition. These can include blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and certain forms of cancer, among others. The reason is that when you are considered obese, your body has enlarged fat cells. It is important to note that you likely don’t have many more fat cells than people who […]
Top 10 Weight Loss Tools 2017

Top 10 Weight Loss Tools to Add to Your New Years Diet and Exercise Plan

Top 10 Weight Loss Tools to Add to Your New Years Diet and Exercise Plan If you’re hoping to freshen up your diet and exercise plan this year, then pay attention to the top 10 weight loss tools for 2017. Keep in mind that they have been designed to alter your lifestyle in a healthy way as opposed to giving you short-term, temporary results. These top 10 weight loss tools have been selected for the support they can provide when you’re working to improve your overall wellness and your waistline at the same time. Use the following top 10 weight loss tools to turn your new year’s diet and exercise plan into a lifestyle you can keep up for the […]
yo-yo-dieting causes

Are These Yo-Yo Dieting Causes Making Your Weight Bounce?

Are These Yo-Yo Dieting Causes Making Your Weight Bounce? You probably already know that yo-yo dieting is bad for you. The inconsistency in your efforts will throw your body into a state of confusion, and your metabolism will suffer as a result. But are the following yo-yo dieting causes really to blame for making your weight bounce up and down? Keep reading to learn more so you can start making the right dieting decisions for your health and wellness. Skipping Meals One of the main reasons behind the yo-yo effect, and one of the main yo-yo dieting causes is the habit of skipping meals. This causes your body to be deprived of the calories that are necessary for energy throughout […]
Genetic Reason for Weight Loss Struggles

Is There Really a Genetic Reason for Weight Loss Struggles?

Is There Really a Genetic Reason for Weight Loss Struggles? When you’re having a hard time losing the excess fat on your body, you may be looking for the reasons for weight loss struggles. After all, if you can find the sources of the grief, it may be easier to overcome them (or at least have something to blame!). However, if you were thinking that there is a genetic reason for weight loss struggles, a recent study says that you might want to think again. As it turns out, carriers of the FTO gene – often nicknamed the obesity gene – are no less likely to drop the pounds on a diet than anyone else. This goes against what many […]