your healthiest year yet

18 Nutrition Tips to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet

18 Nutrition Tips to Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet What you eat has a huge impact upon how you feel, how much energy you have, and how easy it is to lose weight and stay in shape. With these nutrition tips, you could change your daily diet for the better and make 2018 the year you get healthy and fit! 1. Eat more plants by filling your kitchen with a variety of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains 2. Eat fresh fruit to satisfy your cravings for something sweet 3. Instead of prepared salad dressings that could be loaded with fat, salt, and preservatives, add balsamic vinegar to your salad to add low-calorie flavor 4. Fill up […]
get enough healthy fat in your diet

Ways to Help You Get Enough Healthy Fat in Your Diet

Ways to Help You Get Enough Healthy Fat in Your Diet Getting enough healthy fat in your diet is extremely important for your brain health, your heart health, and your overall health. But a lot of people are confused about how to get enough good fat into their diet. If you’re one of those people, check out the information below to learn about a few of the best ways to incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids into your daily meal plans. Use Healthy Oils When You Cook Sure, deep-frying your food in vegetable oil is bad for you, but cooking with oil isn’t always a bad thing. Using a few tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil in a pan is […]
throw together meal ideas

Throw Together Meal Ideas for a Quick Lunch or Dinner

Throw Together Meal Ideas for a Quick Lunch or Dinner Sometimes the best way to make a meal is with minimal prep and no cooking at all. In addition to being easy on your schedule, this also gives you the chance to eat some raw foods that could greatly benefit your health by providing your body with a host of vital nutrients. What are some of the best throw together meal ideas for a quick lunch or dinner that you and your family will love digging into? Check out a few options below. A Burrito Burritos could be so simple to make, as long as you have the ingredients on hand in your kitchen. All you need are fresh tortillas, […]
how much fat you need for weight loss

How Much Fat You Need to Lose Weight and Be Healthy

How Much Fat You Need to Lose Weight and Be Healthy You already know that, to lose weight and be healthier, you should shed the excess fat that is found throughout your body. But how much fat do you really need to eat, and how much fat do you need to avoid, in order to get to a healthy weight? Keep reading for a few helpful tips that could help you reach your ideal weight more efficiently. The Types of Fat That Help You Lose Weight and Stay Healthy Not all fats are created equal. While some are detrimental to your overall health and your weight, there are others that are necessary to health and wellness. And some fats could […]
Lower Sugar Breakfasts for lasting energy

Lower Sugar Breakfasts Can Help You Avoid Energy Slumps

Lower Sugar Breakfasts Can Help You Avoid Energy Slumps Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for several reasons. For example, a breakfast that is low in sugar could help you avoid energy slumps later in the day. So, if you want to maintain your energy until it is time to eat again at lunch, properly planning every breakfast is the key. Check out the tips and information below to learn more. The Problem with Too Much Sugar at Breakfast You might find yourself reaching for that sugary sweet doughnut or that sugary cereal first thing in the morning because the sugar helps to give you energy. But here’s the thing: high amounts of sugar will cause your […]
eating enough calories for metabolism

Are You Eating Enough Calories to Support Your Metabolism?

Are You Eating Enough Calories to Support Your Metabolism? Do you know if you’re eating enough calories for your body to be able to support its metabolism? If you’re restricting your caloric intake by too much, you may be slowing down your progress instead of helping it. It may seem strange that you might need to eat more to lose weight, but if you’re not eating enough calories for your metabolic needs, then that’s exactly the case. It sounds counterintuitive, but it makes a lot of sense as you come to understand your body and the way it works. Remember that your body doesn’t just need energy to be able to complete workouts or activities when you’re moving your arms […]
kick the fast food habit fast

3 Tips to Kick the Fast Food Habit

3 Tips to Kick the Fast Food Habit Trying to turn your health and weight in a better direction can mean that you need to heat more nutritious meals and kick the fast food habit. That said, just like any habit, this one can be tough to break. Still, there are ways to make it easier to kick the fast food habit. You just need to follow the right tips and be dedicated to sticking to them in some very positive and creative ways. No matter why you’ve been choosing fast food as your meal or snack option, it is possible to reduce the amount of it that you’re eating. Consider the following 3 tips to kick the fast food […]
Healthy Produce Rainbow

Are You Eating Your Produce Rainbow Every Day?

Are You Eating Your Produce Rainbow Every Day? We all know that variety is important to our diets, but did you know that color can help you to ensure you’re eating that variety you need? If you focus on eating your way through a produce rainbow you can give yourself a better chance of consuming a spectrum of nutrients, too. The reason is that the pigments that turn the produce rainbow into the various colors you see are often the result of the presence of certain nutrients. Therefore, the more different colors you eat, the more nutrients you’re likely taking in along with them. Consider the various colors of the produce rainbow and what they can each provide you. Keep […]
Biggest Sources of Unhealthy Fats

The Top 10 Sources of Unhealthy Fats

The Top 10 Sources of Unhealthy Fats You already know that unhealthy fats are bad for your overall health, not just your weight. But what are the top 10 sources of unhealthy fats? The biggest sources of unhealthy fats: 1. Dairy Dairy contains unhealthy saturated fats, so minimize or eliminate foods like butter, sour cream, ice cream, and shortening, as well as fatty milk and cheese. 2. Meat Another one of the top sources of unhealthy fats is meat, such as lamb, pork, beef, etc. And you might think that you can avoid these fats by consuming poultry, but poultry contains saturated fat as well. 3. Fried Foods If a food contains partially hydrogenated oils, it contains trans fats, which […]
Health Tips for Weight Loss

5 Health Tips for Weight Loss

5 Health Tips for Weight Loss When you’re trying to drop the extra pounds, the right health tips for weight loss can make the difference between a fast and easy process and one that feels like pulling teeth. When you receive the right advice and focus on wellness alongside your excess fat loss, you are far more likely to be able to keep the weight off over the long term once it’s gone. That said, not all health tips for weight loss are created equal. When you’re trying to lose extra pounds, make sure you focus on those that are realistic and achievable goals. Avoid the ones that are geared toward extremes and fads. They’ll only hold you back in […]