Lower Sugar Breakfasts Can Help You Avoid Energy Slumps

Lower Sugar Breakfasts for lasting energy

Lower Sugar Breakfasts for lasting energyLower Sugar Breakfasts Can Help You Avoid Energy Slumps

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for several reasons. For example, a breakfast that is low in sugar could help you avoid energy slumps later in the day. So, if you want to maintain your energy until it is time to eat again at lunch, properly planning every breakfast is the key. Check out the tips and information below to learn more.

The Problem with Too Much Sugar at Breakfast

You might find yourself reaching for that sugary sweet doughnut or that sugary cereal first thing in the morning because the sugar helps to give you energy. But here’s the thing: high amounts of sugar will cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, and then fall just as quickly. It is those crashes in energy that will have you craving something else to eat in a mere few hours.

Here’s How to Make Yummy Low-Sugar Breakfasts

When it comes to making a filling and energizing low-sugar breakfast, the focus should be on combining high amounts of protein with plenty of complex carbohydrates and a good dose of healthy fats. Here’s why:

• The protein will make you feel satisfied, as well as give you energy and help you feel less hungry as the hours pass. You could, for example, have eggs, tofu, tempeh, or even nuts, such as almonds, which are all packed with protein that will help support a healthy weight.

• The complex carbs will fill you up with fiber, but they will also burn more slowly than simple carbs will. This will help provide a sustained amount of energy until lunch. Having some oatmeal with fruit, for example, will allow you to enjoy a low-sugar breakfast that will provide more energy and endurance for the rest of your day.

• The healthy fats will help your body use energizing vitamins, and they can also help to regulate your hormones, as well as slow down the absorption of nutrients so you can feel full for longer. You can have some chia seeds, flaxseeds, nuts, peanut butter, or avocado on whole grain toast, as a few examples, to start your day with a good dose of beneficial fats.

Now that you know why a high-sugar breakfast is worse than a low-sugar breakfast, you can tweak the way that you eat in the morning. You should find that, with the right healthy and balanced breakfast, your energy is sustained for greater amounts of time and you can get more done without feeling hungry right away. Plus, feeling fuller for longer will help you reduce your overall calorie intake if you are trying to lose weight, so the right breakfast can also make it easier to slim down!

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