read food labels to lose weight

How to Read a Food Label: Ingredients to Avoid If You Want to Lose Weight

We all try to eat right. We try to stay away from foods we know are not good for us and, in turn, eat foods we know we should be eating. However, did you know that the first step to eating right is to read the labels on the foods you buy at the grocery store? These labels are packed with information about the ingredients, calorie content, and nutritional value in our foods. Here are some ingredients to avoid when you are serious about trying to lose weight: MSG MSG is the number one ingredient to avoid when you are trying to get the last few pounds off. MSG can be found in many soups and sauces, among other things. […]
post holiday weight loss tips and tricks

Tips and Tricks for Post Holiday Weight Loss

The holidays can wreak havoc on a diet and so sometimes you need to think ahead to the best post holiday weight loss tips. Though we all have a tendency to go a little crazy with our eating at the holidays, it may be about getting back on track. If you can make it through the holidays with ease then great. If you do fall off track though then it’s all about the best ways to do so. Sometimes just thinking through these can help you to ensure that you do all the right things and that you work towards long term and effective weight loss before, during, and after the crazy eating occurs. Here is how to get back […]