Sugar Addiction Treatment

Sugar Addiction Treatment Options to Go Over with Your Doctor

Sugar Addiction Treatment Options to Go Over with Your Doctor Are you addicted to sugary sweets and tasty treats? Then it’s time to talk about sugar addiction with your doctor. Believe it or not, there are sugar addiction treatment options that you can discuss and finding the right treatment could be just what you need to get back in control. Detox from Sugar at Home If you’re ready to go after your sugar addiction on your own, or you just want to try to get things under control by yourself before asking for outside help, you can certainly attempt to reduce your sugar intake and wean yourself off sugar by eating less of it every day. The less sugar you […]
Impossible Burger Weight Loss

Is the Impossible Burger Really Better for Weight Loss?

Is the Impossible Burger Really Better for Weight Loss? Have you heard about the Impossible Burger? It’s been making waves as a delicious plant-based burger that looks and tastes like meat. Both vegans and omnivores have been chowing down on the Impossible Burger because it can be a great addition to your diet if you are trying to reduce or eliminate your intake of animal products. One question that arises often, however, is whether or not the Impossible Burger can help you lose weight more easily. After all, plant-based diets have been associated with easier weight loss, and this is a plant-based burger that we’re talking about. To get to the answer, continue reading. Calories to Consider According to the […]
Worst Fast Food Trends for Weight Loss

These are the Worst Fast Food Trends for Your Weight and Health

These are the Worst Fast Food Trends for Your Weight and Health No one can deny that a quick trip to a fast food restaurant is a good way to get food when you are hungry on the go or just too lazy to cook at home. There are tricks that can help you keep fast food as healthy as possible (even though you really should avoid it as much as possible, in general), but there are also really bad fast food trends that wreak havoc on your health and weight. What are the worst fast food trends that you should always avoid? Check out the short list below for a few. Having Breakfast All Day Some of the most […]
Top Water Retention Cure

Why Hydration is the Top Water Retention Cure

Why Hydration is the Top Water Retention Cure When you are retaining water, you want to get rid of the excess water as soon as possible so that you can get some relief. While there are a few strategies that you can try in order to reduce water retention, the best water retention cure actually involves drinking more water. It might not make much sense at first, but it’s true. Check out the information below to learn about how it all works. Did You Know? Dehydration Leads to Bloating! Dehydration is actually one of the causes of bloating because your body tries to hold onto as much water as possible to keep all of its systems working properly. As odd […]
Why You Feel Hungry All the Time

Top 5 Reasons You Feel Hungry All the Time

Top 5 Reasons You Feel Hungry All the Time Do you feel hungry all the time and you are beginning to wonder why you can’t keep your appetite under control? Then continue reading to learn about a few of the main reasons why you might feel hungry all the time, and what you can do about it. 1. You Aren’t Getting Enough Rest A lot of people don’t realize that not getting enough sleep, and feeling tired all the time, can actually contribute to feeling hungry all the time. If you aren’t getting enough hours of restful sleep every night, your level of leptin, which is the hormone that helps reduce hunger, can decrease. Ultimately, your body will search for […]
Why Take a Multivitamin During Weight Loss

Why You Should Take a Multivitamin During Weight Loss

Why You Should Take a Multivitamin During Weight Loss Do you need to take a multivitamin during weight loss? It turns out that, yes, it might be a good idea to take a high quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement while you are working hard at slimming down. Below is a brief overview of some of the benefits of taking a multivitamin during weight loss so that you can make the right choice for your overall health. However, if you aren’t sure about whether or not a multivitamin would be right for you, or you want some advice on which vitamin brand to go with, be sure to consult with your doctor. Taking a Multivitamin During Weight Loss Can Help Prevent Deficiencies Many […]
Foods That Help You Poop When Constipated

10 Foods That Help You Poop When You’re Constipated

10 Foods That Help You Poop When You’re Constipated It’s important to keep your digestive tract functioning at its best, but everyone gets constipated every now and then. Thankfully, in addition to supplements that could get things moving again, having more of the following foods that help you poop is also a good idea. Foods That Help You Poop 1. Black beans Most people think of beans when they think of foods that are packed with fiber, and they’d be correct, as just a cup can give you around 15 grams of fiber. 2. Oatmeal Having a little oatmeal for breakfast will not only fill you up and prepare you for the day; it can also help get things moving […]
What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar

This is What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar

You probably already know that eating too much sugar is bad for you. But do you know exactly what happens when you eat too much sugar? We outline the basics below so that you can make the right decisions when it comes to your diet. When you eat too much sugar… It Can Cause Unwanted Weight Gain If you want to be able to keep your weight under control, you need to keep your sugar intake in check. That’s because foods that are high in sugar are also packed with calories that will not really do much when it comes to satisfying your hunger. In other words, you will eat the sugary foods and then continue wanting more food on […]
eating healthier weight loss

Why Eating Healthier Doesn’t Always Lead to Weight Loss

Why Eating Healthier Doesn’t Always Lead to Weight Loss So you are eating healthier to lose weight and you know that dieting is definitely necessary to get the job done. Great! But did you know that eating right is just half the equation to successful weight loss? If you eat healthy, that is certainly a great start for both your overall health and your waistline, but you need to go a step further. Check out the information below to learn more about why eating healthier does not always lead to weight loss. Why Eating Healthier is Only Part of the Weight Loss Requirements Eating healthier is a great start to a healthier you, but the following factors are also a […]
signs you don't eat like a grownup

Signs You Still Don’t Eat a Grown-Up’s Diet

Signs You Still Don’t Eat a Grown-Up’s Diet Are you eating like a grownup or are you still eating like a kid? This year, the 21st century is turning 18 years old, which is the legal age of adulthood. So if the century is maturing, shouldn’t your diet evolve as well? If you’re still hooked on the following unhealthy childlike food choices, it’s time to grow up. It All Starts with Breakfast Breakfast can be tough because you don’t have a lot of time to eat before heading out the door to go to work or take the kids to school. If you still eat your breakfast out of a shiny silver packet, it’s time to make a change. Pop-Tarts […]