eating enough calories for metabolism

Are You Eating Enough Calories to Support Your Metabolism?

Are You Eating Enough Calories to Support Your Metabolism? Do you know if you’re eating enough calories for your body to be able to support its metabolism? If you’re restricting your caloric intake by too much, you may be slowing down your progress instead of helping it. It may seem strange that you might need to eat more to lose weight, but if you’re not eating enough calories for your metabolic needs, then that’s exactly the case. It sounds counterintuitive, but it makes a lot of sense as you come to understand your body and the way it works. Remember that your body doesn’t just need energy to be able to complete workouts or activities when you’re moving your arms […]
3 ways to lower your blood pressure

3 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure for Improved Health

3 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure for Improved Health hen your doctor tells you it’s time to lower your blood pressure, you may be afraid that the only thing you can do is to take a prescription medication. While this may still be recommended, particularly at the start, there are actually a number of things you can do to naturally reduce your pressure levels. The reason is that there are several natural functions of your body that will lower your blood pressure for you as long as you keep them up. It is a matter of sticking to certain healthy lifestyle changes. While you may not have been motivated enough to keep them up before, allow your risk of […]
kick the fast food habit fast

3 Tips to Kick the Fast Food Habit

3 Tips to Kick the Fast Food Habit Trying to turn your health and weight in a better direction can mean that you need to heat more nutritious meals and kick the fast food habit. That said, just like any habit, this one can be tough to break. Still, there are ways to make it easier to kick the fast food habit. You just need to follow the right tips and be dedicated to sticking to them in some very positive and creative ways. No matter why you’ve been choosing fast food as your meal or snack option, it is possible to reduce the amount of it that you’re eating. Consider the following 3 tips to kick the fast food […]
Healthy Produce Rainbow

Are You Eating Your Produce Rainbow Every Day?

Are You Eating Your Produce Rainbow Every Day? We all know that variety is important to our diets, but did you know that color can help you to ensure you’re eating that variety you need? If you focus on eating your way through a produce rainbow you can give yourself a better chance of consuming a spectrum of nutrients, too. The reason is that the pigments that turn the produce rainbow into the various colors you see are often the result of the presence of certain nutrients. Therefore, the more different colors you eat, the more nutrients you’re likely taking in along with them. Consider the various colors of the produce rainbow and what they can each provide you. Keep […]
Biggest Sources of Unhealthy Fats

The Top 10 Sources of Unhealthy Fats

The Top 10 Sources of Unhealthy Fats You already know that unhealthy fats are bad for your overall health, not just your weight. But what are the top 10 sources of unhealthy fats? The biggest sources of unhealthy fats: 1. Dairy Dairy contains unhealthy saturated fats, so minimize or eliminate foods like butter, sour cream, ice cream, and shortening, as well as fatty milk and cheese. 2. Meat Another one of the top sources of unhealthy fats is meat, such as lamb, pork, beef, etc. And you might think that you can avoid these fats by consuming poultry, but poultry contains saturated fat as well. 3. Fried Foods If a food contains partially hydrogenated oils, it contains trans fats, which […]
Is Your Diet Weakening Your Teeth

Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth?

Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth? When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be easy to forget about every goal aside from the number on the scale. The choices you make in terms of what you eat and how you exercise can have an impact on many other parts of your body. Though you may not expect it, one of those affected parts may be your teeth. Many of the most popular weight loss strategies – including those considered to be some of the healthiest – aren’t as kind to our teeth and gums as we would like. For instance, while fruit is an excellent food to include in a healthy diet, it is frequently blended into […]
Start an Eco-Friendly Eating Plan

How to Start an Eco-Friendly Eating Plan

How to Start an Eco-Friendly Eating Plan What you eat every day has a big impact not only upon your health, but also upon the environment. This is why so many people today are focusing on making the best choices for their bodies and the planet. If you are ready to also embark upon an eco-friendly eating plan, it is easier than you probably think. Continue reading to learn how you can get started. Purchase Organic Whenever Possible More and more organic options are hitting farmers markets and supermarket shelves all over the world every day, so take advantage of this. The growing demand for pure and clean foods that haven’t been adulterated by pesticides and herbicides is allowing more […]
Energy Bite Recipes for dieters

Top Energy Bite Recipes for a Healthy Snack ​

Top Energy Bite Recipes for a Healthy Snack ​ Energy bite recipes are taking off in popularity as we come to realize that most energy bars and drinks really aren’t very good for us and certainly do more harm than good for a weight loss diet. While many of us like to reach for sweets when we hit that mid-afternoon slump, those are pretty harmful, too. Therefore, making your own energy bite recipes can help you to be sure that you have something to give you a boost when you need it. They’ll help you to satisfy that sweetness craving and feel better at the same time. Truly great energy bite recipes help you to steer clear of sugar and […]
Healthy Sugar Source Comparison

Sugar Source Comparison..Which is Healthiest? ​

  Sugar Source Comparison..Which is Healthiest? ​ These days, sweeteners have come to develop a bad name. That said, regardless of what you think of sugars as a whole, there are certain options that are definitely better than others. By conducting a sugar source comparison, you can better understand your sweeteners. This will allow you to make more informed and healthy choices. Before you get started with a sugar source comparison, it’s important to recognize that there are actually dozens upon dozens of different options. Therefore, it’s better to understand the ones you are most likely to use. That way, you can know whether or not they are worth keeping or whether it’s time to start looking for alternatives. So […]
science explains meat and health

Meat and Health: The Facts From a Medical Standpoint ​

Meat and Health: The Facts From a Medical Standpoint ​ More and more research is released all the time about meat and health, with many studies proving that meat isn’t all that good for you after all. But what are the facts from a medical standpoint? Continue reading to learn more about what doctors have had to say about meat and health, and to discover how to make the right decisions for your long-term wellbeing. The Increased Risk of Illness When You Eat Too Much Meat The Western diet is packed with meat, poultry, and seafood, but a study that recruited nearly 100,000 individuals has found that a plant-based diet could actually cut your risk of heart disease down by […]