Control Hunger and cravings

Control Hunger with Phentramin-d

One of the biggest problems with losing weight is giving up your favorite foods. Who likes to eat lettuce leaves and grilled chicken all day long when you can have Buffalo wings and giant servings of soda. However, we all do want to lose weight and as a result, if we really want to get to our target and maintain that weight level, we must make lettuce leaves and grilled chicken a part of our lives. Well, of course this is easier said than done. We try and try and always end up indulging, even when we start with the utmost conviction.
How to Lose Inches from your waist

How to Lose Inches from Your Waistline in a Month

If you really want to know how to lose inches from your waistline in a month or less, then listen up. There are really effective ways for you to shed those unwanted pounds without having to suffer the consequences of some fad or yo-yo diet. Indeed, simple lifestyle changes can make all the difference when it comes to losing a significant amount of weight. Dramatically Increase Your Fiber Intake Fiber is what helps you to push fats, toxins, and free radicals out of your digestive system. It is also what it responsible for helping you feel fuller for longer after you eat.
Eat While Taking Phentramin-D

Foods You Shouldn’t Eat While Taking Phentramin-D

When it comes to weight loss pills and supplements, there are a few brands that have proven effective over the years and are being used by people from all around the world. Not only do they help people lose weight, but ensure they achieve their weight loss goals in a safe, effective and healthy manner. Among the leading solutions for weight loss you will find on the market is Phentramin-D. It is an appetite suppressor, which enables people to cut down their calorie intake. Over a period of time, since you are eating less, you start losing weight and shed the unwanted extra pounds from your body.
Health benefits of Eating Greens

How Eating Greens Affects Your Body and Weight

There are many scientific studies that show the positive effects of eating greens on your overall health. Not only are leafy greens a good source of vitamins and minerals, but they strengthen your immunity, protecting you from many diseases. Plus, if you want to lose weight quickly, then having a diet full of leafy greens will significantly help you shed those extra pounds. Mentioned below are some ways that delicious leafy greens affect your body and weight: Lower Cholesterol Some green vegetables are rich in fiber and this fiber will not only lower your blood cholesterol, but also prevent your blood sugar from constantly fluctuating.
science backed weight loss tips

Weight Loss Tips Backed by Science

There are several myths doing the rounds surrounding the weight loss process. But recently scientists have a found a number of strategies that seem quite effective. Here are a few weight loss tips backed by science to stimulate your efforts and get better results: Eat More Vegetables and Fruits Vegetables and fruits have few calories and lots of fiber. It takes a while to chew them and they are filling. Studies show people who eat fruits and vegetables are able to maintain a normal weight and live a healthy life. They are nutritious so eating them is highly important.
Why Runners Shouldn’t Diet

Why Runners Shouldn’t Diet

Running has been on the top of the list of the most desired ways to lose weight and stay fit and active. It’s loved by fitness enthusiasts for various reasons, including the ease, the results, and the adventure that follows if you choose to change destinations every now and then. Running is a favorite activity for many who want to get lean without going to the gym or trying any other workouts that need a little bit of learning and constant adaptability. With running, all you have to improve is the distance and intensity. No reps, sets, and different positions and practices for focusing on different areas of your body.
Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

The Most Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

With so many weight loss supplements and crash diet plans available on the market, weight losers are turning to extreme and dangerous ways to shed those extra pounds. The pure obsession with getting thin can drive young people and adults over the edge, causing them to take these extreme measures. However, the best way to drop those stubborn pounds is to burn more calories than you consume by making healthy food choices and getting plenty of exercise. We discuss some dangerous ways to lose weight that can actually backfire, causing serious health problems.
Most Dangerous OTC Diet Pills

The Most Dangerous OTC Diet Pills

The quickest way to shed fat, get away from the plague of obesity, and become slim and smart in just a few months without much effort sounds appealing to the masses and convinces them to purchase Over the Counter (OTC) diet pills. OTC diet pills are easily available and don’t require a prescription in most cases since they are labeled as nutraceutical in nature by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The promises made in the advertisements can make anyone say “Take my money,” but the product image presented to the public is not a clear picture of reality. A report published by the Institute of Medicine mentions around 1.5 million people in the U.S. are affected in some way […]
Is Your Job Making You Fat

Is Your Job Making You Fat?

In the quest to lose weight we tend to look at so many areas of our life and therefore consider what we can change or improve upon. We may recognize that we need to eat healthier or workout more, but that’s where the evaluation ends. If you dig deeper you may want to ask the question—is your job making you fat? It may sound outlandish but there are several factors within a job that can contribute to weight gain and long term health problems. So giving a long hard look at your occupation and work environment can be critical. Every job is different, but there are several factors to consider in understanding to evaluate this possibility. Say for example you […]
Ways to Lose Thigh Fat

Fast Ways to Lose Thigh Fat

It can be such a huge problem area for so many people particularly women, and so learning how to lose thigh fat is a major focus in weight loss. Though this may sound like an impossible thing to accomplish, it’s all about shifting your focus and creating the right regimen. Yes fitness will be a big part of this, but you also need other healthy habits to sustain your physical activity too. It’s so common that people tend to gain weight in this area, particularly if they have family history with this problem area. You are going to have to work hard, but with the right amount of effort and true dedication you can get rid of this unsightly fat […]