The Worst Processed Foods for Weight Loss

Worst Processed Foods for weight loss

Worst Processed Foods for weight loss

The Worst Processed Foods for Weight Loss

Not a day goes by when we aren’t consuming over-processed, nutrient-stripped foods oozing with preservatives that are detrimental to our health. In our fast life with the accessibility of ready-made frozen pizzas and canned tunas, there is rarely anything organic or healthy that is going into our bodies. Worse are the increasing obesity demographics as the decades go by.

Every time you munch on those sugary delights known as donuts, having your morning breakfast of boxed cereals, or your lunch from your favorite hot dog stand, you are unknowingly signing yourself up to thousands of calories a day and consuming weight-inducing trans fats, monosodium salts, or high-fructose corn syrup, that are all used as preservatives.

Some processed foods are more harmful than others and speed up the process of weight gain. It’s important to keep a lookout for these processed foods as they are much nearer or common than you think. What makes them the most dangerous is their easy accessibility. Here’s a look at the worst processed foods you can eat if you are trying to lose weight:

7: Premixed Oatmeal and Flavored Yogurt
Anything premixed and flavored should be a no-no. On their own, oatmeal and yogurt are harmless, healthy snacks, but for marketing purposes and in order to attract customers, they add colors, flavors and sweeteners that cause weight gain and are not useful for the body.

6: Margarine
When they told you margarine was a safe and less fattening alternative to butter, they lied. Margarine is cholesterol rich, packed with trans fats and can cause damage to the blood vessels.

5: Waffles
Waffles are loaded with carbs, digest quickly and won’t keep you full for long, making you eat a lot more. No surprise, it’s one of the worst processed foods for weight loss.

4: Potato Chips
Of course, those little beasts that are everywhere couldn’t come without a catch! We all already know these are deep-fried bad carbs, but in addition to that they carry a carcinogen due to being heavily fried, which is known as acrylamide.

3: Donuts
Every donut you dunk in your mouth is bringing with it 250-300 calories, fats, loads of sugar, and refined flour.

2: Frozen Foods
These frozen foods may look friendly but are packed with plenty of fats and sodium to preserve the food, even if they are low-fat. In addition, they are stripped away of all their nutrients, and hence they are on this list of the worst processed foods for weight loss.

1: Processed Meat
Meats undergo excessive processing to preserve them. They can be cured, salted, or smoked and contain high amounts of fats, salts and cholesterol. Processed meat is known to cause cancer as well as increased weight.

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