Top 5 Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Foods High in Calcium

If you are somebody who happens to be lactose intolerant, then you may wonder which non-dairy foods high in calcium you can still enjoy. We all know that calcium is an important mineral for bone density and so much more. So how can you take in this important mineral if you can’t enjoy dairy products? We’ve heard for years that dairy products are the best and perhaps only type of foods that is rich in calcium, but is it possible that there are any other things to look into?

There Are Lots of Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

If you want to bump up your calcium intake but not your dairy intake, then you’ll be happy to hear that there are tons of non-dairy foods high in calcium from which you can choose. Even better, they come in a range of different forms and flavors, so there’s always something sure to appeal to you.

The good news is that, by eating some of these non-dairy foods high in calcium content, you can enjoy all of the benefits of this mineral without any of the potential drawbacks. So, let’s take a look at what the best of the best are in this category. You might be surprised, and this can all contribute to a better diet overall.

Top Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

The following are some of the top non-dairy foods high in calcium. This gives you some options to choose from regardless of whether you’re adopting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, cannot eat dairy due to another dietary restriction, or simply want to be able to choose an option other than the conventional glass of milk.  These are fantastic for packing your diet full of variety and nutrition aside from that one mineral.

White Beans

We’ve long looked at beans as a great source of protein and fiber, but in this instance, they also happen to be one of the best non-dairy foods high in calcium. You want to be sure to get white beans, specifically, as they are the highest in calcium, and try to include them in meals and snacks several times throughout the week to get the most benefits.

Dried Figs

We know that figs are good for us and offer rich nutrients on their own, but now we can see that the dried version is even better. Dried figs not only have fiber and important antioxidants but also happen to be quite rich in calcium. They are delicious and make for a great snack or addition to any meal for a quick calcium fix.


We have been celebrating the virtues of kale as a true superfood, and now we can drive that point home even more. Kale is by far one of the best non-dairy foods high in calcium, and it’s also high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Making salads out of kale works quite well, as does baking kale chips or adding it to any meal.


People are so surprised to hear that oranges happen to be high in calcium since we think of them only for vitamin C. This makes them a true superfood, too, as they can help to boost your immune system, strengthen your bones, and keep you healthy now and into the long term.


They are a source of good fat and are high in fiber, and they are now found to be high in calcium, too. Be sure you watch the portion so that you don’t get too much of a good thing, but almonds may be one of your best friends in getting more calcium each and every day.

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