3 Really Easy Ways to Move Your Body When Sitting at Your Desk

Ways to Move Your Body When Sitting

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3 Really Easy Ways to Move Your Body When Sitting at Your Desk

We’re continually told not to stay seated all day long. Sitting down for hours at a time is very bad for our health. It is the “new smoking.” It’s no longer considered enough to sit all day long and then hit the gym at the end of the day. Continual sitting is just too hard on our bodies. Therefore, if you are stuck sitting a lot, it’s important to discover how to move your body when sitting.

However, when we’re not sitting at a desk voluntarily, but are instead required to do this as a part of our job, it makes it difficult to make the necessary changes for our health. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to move your body when sitting, which can be enough to tide you over until you can exercise more intensely. This will let you get your blood flowing and will activate your muscles even when roped to a desk.

A recent study published within the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that sitting all day will shorten a person’s telomeres (DNA strand caps). When those are shorter, it speeds up premature aging and encourages decay. By moving discovering how to move your body when sitting you can prevent or even reverse that trend.

Since we’re not all lucky enough to have access to standing desks, here are some great tips to get you started:

Stretch your hands and fingers – it may not seem like much, but stretching out your hands and fingers every twenty minutes or so can improve flexibility and function of the joints, can improve your grip and can prevent fatigue. To do this, just get a stress ball (or even a balled up tissue) and make a fist around it. Squeeze it tightly and hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Release and stretch out your fingers as much as you can. Repeat this with both hands five to ten times. It doesn’t take long but it makes a big difference.

Sit up tall and breathe – in your chair, place your feet flat on the floor. Sit up tall as though there were a string linking the top of your head to the ceiling and it was getting shorter. Bring both your hands together in front of your chest in a “prayer” or “Namaste” position. Press your palms together until you can feel the contraction of your arm muscles. Hold this for twenty seconds and release. Repeat 5-10 times.

Shrug your shoulders – we carry a huge amount of tension in our shoulders and necks. By shrugging the shoulders up slowly and deliberately, then pushing them down, it can ease all those muscles into their more natural, relaxed positions.

Choose good quality weight maintenance support – try Phentramin-d to help you to manage your weight properly as controlling your body weight can play a vital role in your overall health and wellness.

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