Diabetic Drug Could Help Non-Diabetics Lose Weight

Victoza to Lose Weight

Victoza to lose weightFor most diabetics, taking medicine to control blood-sugar levels is essential to a healthy and happy life, but who knew that taking diabetic medicine could help non-diabetics lose weight? According to numerous recent studies, it turns out that people who are not diabetic could actually benefit quite a lot from taking a certain drug that was originally intended for diabetics. Although there is much debate as to whether or not this finding will become a trend in the weight loss world, it seems to be picking up a lot of speed with weight loss hopefuls, regardless.

What Drug Are They Talking About?

A lot today’s diabetics are prescribed Victoza to help them regulate their blood sugar levels. However, non-diabetics who are obese could actually lose a significant amount of weight if they take the drug as well. This drug is usually given to people in 1.2- or 1.8-milligram doses, but it turns out that a slightly higher dose (about 3 milligrams) can help folks shed unwanted pounds of fat. According to a recent clinical study, those who tried taking Victoza (under a doctor’s care, of course) saw a reduction in their weight by an average of 8 percent.

How Is Victoza Taken?

In order for you to lose weight by taking this diabetic drug, you first need to speak with your doctor. Taking prescription medication for an unintended use could be extremely dangerous to your health. Since Victoza is an injectable diabetic treatment, it is essential that you take all of the necessary precautions before using it. On top of that, the dose needed for patients to lose weight is higher than usual so it pays to be careful. Dr. John Wilding of the University of Liverpool in England confirms that Liraglutide (Victoza) can actually reduce body weight in obese people, but only if it is taken at a higher dose than usual.

How Does Victoza Compare to Other Weight Loss Solutions?

Unfortunately, the recent studies conducted on Victoza did not compare it to other drugs that are typically used to help people lose weight. However, significant evidence from previous studies conducted by Wilding’s team suggests that Victoza could reduce weight at the same rate as Xenical—a popular drug that helps people shed unwanted pounds by limiting the amount of fat that is absorbed by the intestines.

How Does Victoza Work for Weight Loss?

It is important to note that taking drugs to lose weight is not as healthy or effective as maintaining the proper diet and getting enough exercise. However, when you are obese, you sometimes need a little help. Victoza works by optimally lowering your blood-sugar levels. In fact, it is no surprise to many health care experts that diabetic drugs are being given for the purposes of weight loss. Dr. David Katz of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center recently stated that he is aware of several diabetic drugs that significantly reduce the weight of a person, as weight loss is a typical side-effect of the most common drugs used.

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