Will Colder Air Conditioning Burn Fat Faster?

Cold Air Conditioning to Burn Fat Faster

Cold Air Conditioning to Burn Fat FasterWill Colder Air Conditioning Burn Fat Faster?

When the hot weather hits, you’ll want to retreat to a nice air-conditioned building where you can feel comfortable and avoid sweating uncomfortably. But, what if you use your air conditioner to make the space even colder? Will doing so help you burn fat faster? Read on to learn more.

Regulating Your Body Temperature Takes Work!

Did you know that, when your body works on regulating your internal temperature, it burns calories?

Researchers have found that obesity rates around the world increase during the winter, when people keep themselves warm inside and avoid the cold weather outside. But, if you are in an environment in which the temperature is under 77°, your metabolic rate will begin to increase and you could burn fat faster. Therefore, by keeping your air conditioner on in the low 70s, you could effectively get your body to burn additional calories as it works on regulating your body temperature.

There Are Different Types of Fat

In addition to training your body to burn fat faster, colder temperatures also get your brown fat to work harder.

Basically, there are two types of fat in the body: brown fat and white fat. While white fat is the type that you acquire by leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating unhealthy foods, brown fat helps pull sugar from the blood and from stores of white fat as a means to keep the body temperature at an optimal level. By encouraging brown fat to work harder, cold air helps to burn up white fat, and that could help you lose more weight over time.

What About at Night?

What about during the night? Should you be keeping your air conditioner on while you sleep?

Studies have found that sleeping in an air-conditioned room could help boost your metabolism, too. On top of that, you might find that it is easier to get a full night’s rest when you sleep in a cool and comfortable environment. Basically, it is all about keeping your body working to maintain its core temperature.

According to researchers, the answer is yes, you could burn fat faster by turning your air conditioner on and remaining in a colder environment during the summer. So, whenever you don’t need to be in the heat, go ahead and blast that air conditioner, as you might find it easier to maintain your beach body throughout the season.

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