Diets That Make You Gain Weight Rather Than Lose It

Diets That Make You GainNo one wants to put a lot of time and effort into diets that make you gain weight. They would rather put all of that time and effort into losing weight and it can be very sad and depressing to put in all of that work and end up not seeing results. Here are some of the diets that make you gain weight, rather than losing it, and which you should make sure to stay away from.

Diets that have you starve yourself
There are a lot of diets out there that can ask you to almost starve the body in the hopes of losing weight. They want the calories to be really low so that you are forcing your body to burn way more than you are taking in. There are a few problems with this kind of diet. First, you are forcing your body into starvation mode. This is going to make the body burn less fuel than before and could make it into one of those diets that make you gain weight because you are still taking in too much. Plus, most people fail on this diet and will end up eating too much later in the day, especially in high calorie and high fat foods, than they were to start with.

Diets with unhealthy foods
Another of the diets that make you gain weight are the ones that ask you to eat unhealthy foods. These are the ones that say eat chocolate all day long and you’ll lose weight, or they will focus too much on one type of food and forget all the rest. You need to have a good balance between what you are eating or, especially in the case of the chocolate, you will end up gaining weight in the process.

Fad diets
There are a lot of fad diets that are out on the market and all of them claim to be the cure that is going to help you lose weight in no time. The problem with these is that many of them are unsafe or they are going to have one component that can actually make you gain weight in the process. since these are generally considered bad for your health, it is best if you are able to avoid them and stick with a diet that is healthy, safe, and will actually help you lose weight in the long run.

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