Nutrients to Consider Supplementing When Dieting

importance of supplementing when dieting

importance of supplementing when dieting

Nutrients to Consider Supplementing When Dieting

When people diet, they usually cut their calories or some certain food groups out. Additionally, they are trying to be more active and exercise more. With these wonderful changes in lifestyle, you should also consider supplementing when dieting. Many supplements offer health benefits outside of weight loss or bulking up. Certain supplements prevent diseases and other health conditions.

Take a Multivitamin for Supplementing When Dieting

When you think about what you should be supplementing when dieting, you should think of your basic multivitamin first. Your basic multivitamin gives you the vitamins and minerals that you do not get from your food alone.

Many of us think that we are eating a healthy and balanced diet that will give us all of the nutrients that we need to thrive, but that often is not the case. So, it should come as no surprise that deficiencies happen quite often. By simply supplementing your diet with a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, you can help ensure that you will fill in any nutritional gaps left behind by your diet, no matter how healthy and nutritious you think your diet is. This is especially true because some nutrients are better absorbed in supplement form, while others are better absorbed from food. Also, some cooking methods kill some of the nutrients in foods, so supplementing when dieting can help ensure you are replacing any nutrients that are lost during the cooking process.

Note: When taking a multivitamin/mineral, be sure to follow the dosage instructions carefully to ensure you get the optimal amount of nutrients.

Supplementing When Dieting: Calcium and Vitamin D Are Important

Additionally, you should be taking a calcium/ vitamin-D supplement, for your bone health, which is important when working out especially to prevent injury. However, do not take your multivitamin and calcium/vitamin-d supplements at the same time. The calcium prevents the absorption of the multivitamin. You should take the calcium in the morning with some kind of healthy fat such as yogurt or cheese. Your multivitamin should be taken later on in the day with any food.

Did you know that many people are deficient in vitamin D? Therefore, it is important to supplement your diet with a high-quality vitamin D pill. Here are some of the benefits of supplementing with this vitamin, according to Medical News Today:

  • It supports the immune system and the nervous system
  • It helps maintain brain health and bone health
  • It can help protect against cancer
  • It supports the health of your heart and lungs
  • It helps regulate your insulin levels

Supplementing with Protein and Creatine

Whey protein is another supplement that is very effective for dieters. Whey protein shakes are convenient and good for on the go. Whey can be taken before and after a workout. High protein diets have been proven to help people shed the most weight. Whey also helps the muscles repair faster.

If you are following a plant-based diet, whey protein would not be appropriate for you. However, there are a wide variety of high-quality, plant-based protein supplements that you can take instead, so there is absolutely no reason to worry. Just choose one that you like most, and take it according to the directions on the label to help ensure you are getting the right amount of protein to support your overall health.

Another nutrient to consider supplementing when dieting is creatine. Creatine is helpful to muscle recovery and helps to loosen tension after a workout. Creatine has many different forms that give different health benefits. Mostly, though creatine is a muscle supplement that helps recover, rebuild, and regenerate muscle. Creatine can be used before and after a workout daily as well.

Supplementing When Dieting Is a Smart Strategy

You do not need to go to the health food store and buy them out, just stick to the basics. Basic supplements like vitamins, creatine, and whey protein paired with a healthy diet are great for weight loss and sculpting. There are some nutrients to consider supplementing when dieting, but it is not necessary, nor healthy, to take 10 different supplements. Also, it is okay to change your supplements as your diet and exercise goals change.

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