Working on a Balance Ball at your desk

5 Surprising Benefits of Working on a Balance Ball at Your Desk

5 Surprising Benefits of Working on a Balance Ball at Your Desk The concept of working on a balance ball instead of a chair at your desk isn’t a new one. In fact, it wasn’t long after those inflatable exercise tools first became popular that many people started subbing them in at their desks. That said, for many, working on a balance ball wasn’t much more than a fad. This is likely because they didn’t actually realize how many benefits they were actually receiving from using the ball in this way. There are a surprising number of benefits to working on a balance ball instead of a desk chair. Consider the following before you head to your office at work […]
Must-Do Kettlebell Moves

Get Your Kettlebell Moves on With This Must-Do List

Get Your Kettlebell Moves on With This Must-Do List Kettlebell moves are becoming increasingly more common at the gym, and for good reason. These workouts are highly effective, and they can also be done safely as long as you execute every move with the right form. But with so many different exercises to choose from, which kettlebell moves should you be focusing on? Check out the must-do list below to get started. The Swing To gain strength in your lower body and your core, try the kettlebell swing. Start by getting into a deadlift position and keeping your kettlebell just a few feet in front of the body. Next, you can hike that kettlebell between the legs and then propel […]
How to Combat Winter Tiredness

Best Ways to Combat Winter Tiredness

Best Ways to Combat Winter Tiredness At this point in the year, many of us find that we need to try to combat winter tiredness with each passing day. The length of the nights starts to grate, recovery from the holiday season hasn’t quite happened and the cold weather can make us feel a little bit cabin feverish. Even when you try your best to overcome it, the fatigue can easily take hold. Once it’s locked in, it can be quite tough to shake. If you are having a hard time being able to combat winter tiredness, it may just be that you’ve been approaching it the wrong way. Depending on which issues are behind the fatigue there are some […]
Leanest States in the US

Top 3 Leanest States in the US and How They Stay So Fit

Top 3 Leanest States in the US and How They Stay So Fit There are 50 states in the country, but only a few of them are considered the leanest states and the healthiest places to live. If you want to live in an area where people take better care of their health and their waistline, check out the list below of the top 3 leanest states in the United States, and to learn how they are able to stay so fit. 1. Colorado Colorado ranks as one of the leanest states in the country because a mere 20.2% of the population there is considered obese. But it hasn’t only been the leanest state for a year; instead, it has […]
Effective Parallel Bar Exercises

Get in an Effective Workout with these Parallel Bar Exercises

Get in an Effective Workout with these Parallel Bar Exercises When you hear about parallel bar exercises, the odds are that you think of gymnasts and not regular people. That said, there is no need for you to be training to take part in the Olympics to get a great workout using this simple equipment. In fact, if you get a small set of parallettes (a small set of short parallel bars close to the floor) you can even do these workouts at home. Being able to do parallel bar exercises isn’t very expensive. The small parallettes cost about $50 if you buy the wooden ones. If you want to splurge, the aluminum type are slightly more expensive. That said, […]
common running injuries and treatments

Common Running Injuries and Home Treatment Methods

Common Running Injuries and Home Treatment Methods Running is a workout that will get your entire body moving and burning fat and calories. You can use running as your primary workout to strengthen your muscles and joints, boost your overall health, and slim down to a healthy weight, but beware that running can result in injuries. Learn about some of the most common running injuries below, as well as home treatment methods that work on getting you healed up. Runner’s Knee Nearly 40% of all running injuries involve the knees, and PFPS, which stands for patellofemoral pain syndrome, is one of the most common. This is also called “runner’s knee,” and it usually occurs during or after a long run, […]
Get Washboard Abs fast

How to Get Washboard Abs Fast

How to Get Washboard Abs Fast There are a number of things that you need to know if you want to get washboard abs. The first thing is that abs may be built in the gym. The second thing is that they won’t be visible unless you make the right choices in the kitchen. Remember that getting great abdominals isn’t just a matter of building the muscle. You must also remove the layer of fat on top of them so the muscle will be visible. If you want to get washboard abs, you need to start by looking at what you’re eating. Consider not only your meals, but also what you’re eating in between meals. You might want to start […]
High Intensity Interval Training Facts

Is High Intensity Interval Training Right for You?

Is High Intensity Interval Training Right for You? You may have heard a lot of great things about high intensity interval training, but just because it sounds good, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s perfect for your fitness needs. How do you know if this is the right kind of workout strategy for your health and goals? Your first step should be to speak with your doctor about the type of high intensity interval training you plan to take on. That way, you will be able to know, not only whether or not HIIT is appropriate for your health and fitness level, but you will also be able to get a better idea as to what sorts of workouts you should […]
Is Your Job Making You Fat

Is Your Job Making You Fat?

In the quest to lose weight we tend to look at so many areas of our life and therefore consider what we can change or improve upon. We may recognize that we need to eat healthier or workout more, but that’s where the evaluation ends. If you dig deeper you may want to ask the question—is your job making you fat? It may sound outlandish but there are several factors within a job that can contribute to weight gain and long term health problems. So giving a long hard look at your occupation and work environment can be critical. Every job is different, but there are several factors to consider in understanding to evaluate this possibility. Say for example you […]
Ways to Lose Thigh Fat

Fast Ways to Lose Thigh Fat

It can be such a huge problem area for so many people particularly women, and so learning how to lose thigh fat is a major focus in weight loss. Though this may sound like an impossible thing to accomplish, it’s all about shifting your focus and creating the right regimen. Yes fitness will be a big part of this, but you also need other healthy habits to sustain your physical activity too. It’s so common that people tend to gain weight in this area, particularly if they have family history with this problem area. You are going to have to work hard, but with the right amount of effort and true dedication you can get rid of this unsightly fat […]