Weight Loss Tips Backed by Science

science backed weight loss tips

Science Backed Weight Loss TipsThere are several myths doing the rounds surrounding the weight loss process. But recently scientists have a found a number of strategies that seem quite effective. Here are a few weight loss tips backed by science to stimulate your efforts and get better results:

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have few calories and lots of fiber. It takes a while to chew them and they are filling. Studies show people who eat fruits and vegetables are able to maintain a normal weight and live a healthy life. They are nutritious so eating them is highly important.

Drink Water before Meals

Drinking water half an hour before meals helps people eat fewer calories and enhances weight loss by 44%. Drinking water can increase metabolism by 30% within 1 to 1.5 hours, helping your body burn a few more calories.

Eat Eggs for Breakfast

Studies show eating eggs for breakfast can help you consume fewer calories for the next 3 days. If you don’t like eggs for some reason, any other source of protein should do the trick for you.

Get Good Sleep

Research backs this weight loss tip by clarifying that lack of sleep increases the obesity risk factor in adults by 55%. Getting adequate sleep of 7 to 9 hours every night for adults is crucial.

Eat With Smaller Plates

This may sound unusual but research has shown that eating with smaller plates helped people automatically consume fewer calories, making it one of the simplest weight loss tips backed by science.

Stay Away From Refined Carbohydrates

Studies have shown refined carbohydrates disrupt the blood sugar levels, increasing hunger pangs and cravings. Refined carbohydrates are deprived of nutrients, making them the number one contributor towards weight gain and obesity.

Try To Avoid Sugar

The high-fructose corn syrup in sweetened foods and sugary beverages has been associated with obesity by researchers. It is the worst ingredient consumed in heaps in the modern day diet and can lead to chronic diseases, like heart problems and diabetes.

Cook with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides that boost metabolism by 120 calories and reduce your appetite so you end up eating 256 fewer calories each day.


Meditation helps in muscle relaxation and improves your focus. When you feel sad or depressed, you are likely to eat more. Boredom and/or stress eating can be the two major causes of weight gain in adults.

Aerobic Exercise and Weight Lifting

Studies show weight lifting can boost metabolism and prevent your body from losing muscle mass. Aerobic exercise is a great way to improve your physical and mental health and lose belly fat.
So, these are some of the most effective weight loss tips backed for science. Feel free to follow any that you find simple.

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