The Most Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

Dangerous Ways to Lose WeightWith so many weight loss supplements and crash diet plans available on the market, weight losers are turning to extreme and dangerous ways to shed those extra pounds. The pure obsession with getting thin can drive young people and adults over the edge, causing them to take these extreme measures.

However, the best way to drop those stubborn pounds is to burn more calories than you consume by making healthy food choices and getting plenty of exercise. We discuss some dangerous ways to lose weight that can actually backfire, causing serious health problems.

Drugs and Pills

Drugs and prescription pills that are not prescribed to you are sometimes used as a quick fix for weight loss. But in the long run, they can severely damage your heart and your brain. There are certain supplements that can aid in fat-burning, but they must go along with healthy eating and exercise, and the healthy supplements are whole-food based. This makes using drugs and prescription pills among the dangerous ways to lose weight.

Tongue Patch Surgery

This extreme weight-loss method is a medical procedure invented by a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. It involves stitching a small piece of polyethylene mesh onto a person's tongue, making it painful to ingest solid foods and forcing a low-calorie, liquid diet. The patch is a pattern interrupt. It makes it uncomfortable to eat solid foods, restricting a person’s diet.

Urine Injections

The urine injection has a hormone that takes off the pounds. It’s called the human chorionic gonadotropin. This hCG tricks your brain into thinking your body is pregnant and helps the body to metabolize faster.

Tube Feeding

To lose weight quickly, women, including many young girls, are opting to have a feeding tube inserted through their noses, which travels through the esophagus into the stomach, remaining in place 24 hours a day. For 10 days, eating is avoided completely, and a high protein, low-carb formula is fed through the tube, delivering roughly 800 daily calories. By its description, it is clear it is among the dangerous ways to lose weight.


Purging can cause serious psychological damage to an individual. The act of throwing up is either a symptom of bulimia or leads to it, and it can also increase your cravings for unhealthy foods. Purging creates an illusion that the hunger craving has been satisfied by consuming food, but the calories are lost by throwing it up.

These are some of the most dangerous ways to lose weight; hence, you should avoid them completely.

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