10 Foods That Help You Poop When You’re Constipated

Foods That Help You Poop When Constipated

Foods That Help You Poop When Constipated10 Foods That Help You Poop When You’re Constipated

It’s important to keep your digestive tract functioning at its best, but everyone gets constipated every now and then. Thankfully, in addition to supplements that could get things moving again, having more of the following foods that help you poop is also a good idea.

Foods That Help You Poop

1. Black beans

Most people think of beans when they think of foods that are packed with fiber, and they’d be correct, as just a cup can give you around 15 grams of fiber.

2. Oatmeal

Having a little oatmeal for breakfast will not only fill you up and prepare you for the day; it can also help get things moving when you’re constipated.

3. Legumes

If beans don’t suit your fancy, other legumes, such as lentils and peas, are also a great choice, as they contain fiber, minerals, vitamins, and protein.

4. Almonds

Snack smart by having a couple handfuls of almonds, as they’ll provide you with healthy fats and around 3.5 grams of soluble fiber.

5. Spinach

Leafy greens like spinach contain fiber and magnesium, which is another important nutrient that can be taken to combat constipation.

6. Apples

An apple a day can help keep constipation at bay, thanks to its fiber (just be sure to eat it with the skin on).

7. Prunes

Drinking prune juice or snacking on dried prunes can help get your digestion on track, thanks to their dihydrophenylisatin and sorbitol.

8. Berries

In addition to being high in antioxidants, berries are a tasty way to get more fiber into your diet.

9. Whole wheat bread

Swap out the white bread for some whole wheat bread to up your fiber intake.

10. Broccoli

Veggies like broccoli are packed with fiber (just a cup will give you 5 grams of fiber), so add them to your lunch and dinner meals.

To keep your digestive tract healthy, eating right is key. As you add more fiber-rich foods that help you poop to your diet, you might notice that it is easier to stay regular, and that can help you feel great every day because you won’t have to deal with the discomfort that comes with being constipated.

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