Maximize Your Gluteus Maximus with These Butt Boosting Moves

butt boosting workout moves

butt boosting workout movesMaximize Your Gluteus Maximus with These Butt Boosting Moves

Do you want to reshape your butt and really build up the strength in your gluteus maximus muscles? Then consider incorporating the following butt boosting moves into your exercise routine.

The Butt Boosting Moves to Start Doing Now...

Building muscle in your rear also requires careful attention to diet, including plenty of protein for lean tissue synthesis. If you want to boost your bum at the same time you slim down, you'll also want to learn how to preserve muscle mass during weight loss. Either way, combine these butt boosting moves into one surprisingly effective workout for results you'll see and feel.

Lunges and Squats with Dumbbells

Start by doing regular lunges and squats without any weights, but as you become comfortable with those and you are ready for a new challenge, grab a pair of dumbbells and hold one in each hand. These could be light weights, so even 3-pound or 5-pound dumbbells will be sufficient. Target every area of your butt by doing forward lunges, backward lunges, and sideways lunges while holding the weights for extra resistance. Then add in squats, making sure to keep your weight on your heels while preventing the knees from going past the line of the toes.

Leg Lifts with Ankle Weights

Grab a pair of ankle weights of your choice and wrap them around your ankles so that they are snug yet comfortable. Get on your knees and put your forearms on the floor so that you are in a balanced position. Bend one knee and flex the foot towards your butt before lifting that leg until it is just above parallel with your torso. Then lower to the starting position and raise the leg again, keeping the foot flexed so that the heel is pushing towards the ceiling. Keep going to exhaustion before doing the other side.

Glute Bridges

If you practice yoga, you are already familiar with bridge pose. Start by lying down on your back and bringing your feet in towards your butt. Then, pushing your weight into the heels, lift your lower body off the floor, keeping both of your shoulder blades and your neck and arms on the floor. Hold before lowering and then repeat until you reach exhaustion. Then, when you are ready to add a new challenge, stay with your lower body lifted and bring one foot straight up to the ceiling. Lower the lifted leg only until it’s parallel with your other thigh before lifting to the ceiling again. Repeat for several reps before lowering the leg to parallel again, this time holding for as long as you can, and then releasing everything down slowly. Repeat on the other side.

With these gluteus maximus enhancing moves, you are sure to find that you have a sexy, tight butt in no time! As with all other workout moves, just be sure to watch your form and work within your body’s limits so that you can reduce the risk of injuries.

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