Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth?

Is Your Diet Weakening Your Teeth

Is Your Diet Weakening Your Teeth

Is Your Weight Loss Diet Weakening Your Teeth?

When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be easy to forget about every goal aside from the number on the scale. The choices you make in terms of what you eat and how you exercise can have an impact on many other parts of your body. Though you may not expect it, one of those affected parts may be your teeth.

Many of the most popular weight loss strategies – including those considered to be some of the healthiest – aren’t as kind to our teeth and gums as we would like. For instance, while fruit is an excellent food to include in a healthy diet, it is frequently blended into juices and smoothies instead of being eaten as a whole food. This causes a loss of nutrients and fiber while creating a high-sugar beverage in many cases. The result can be enamel erosion.

Similarly, many diets recommend that people drink lemon juice first thing in the morning to stimulate the metabolism and to help detoxify the body. That said, many experts recommend drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water and that you should drink it through a straw. This can help to protect the teeth from too much acid exposure.

This is not to say that smoothies and lemon juice aren’t good for you. Indeed, they may be helpful in promoting weight loss when used properly. That said, what is known is that these can lead to wear on the teeth.

People on the Sirtfood Diet have found that the food choices they need to make has the unexpected side effect of staining their teeth. The diet requires you to consume foods that are high in “sirtuin activators.” These foods boost cellular health in times when they are experiencing stress. This is because it’s meant to enhance the metabolism. Among the foods are options such as red wine and coffee.

These beverages are among the menu choices that are best known for staining teeth. Moreover, because the Sirtfood Diet encourages the regular consumption of these foods, the risk of staining is much higher than it otherwise would be. Dieters find that their teeth can turn yellowish and may often have brownish streaks. One way to help avoid this problem is to rinse the mouth with water after every sip.

Green tea is among the favorite drinks of people who are trying to lose weight. Green tea has been widely studied and has a huge range of nutritional benefits and it is a known weight loss supporter. That said, like coffee and red wine, it can stain teeth.

If you want to boost your metabolism, consider a diet pill with clinically studied ingredients like Phentramin-d. This can help you to gain the benefits without harming your teeth.

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