Stifle the Stench: Ways to Keep Your Feet Smelling Fresh During Workouts

Keep Your Feet Smelling Fresh During Workouts

Keep Your Feet Smelling Fresh During Workouts

Stifle the Stench: Ways to Keep Your Feet Smelling Fresh During Workouts

During an intense workout, your feet will end up sweating into your sneakers, and that can cause foot odor to develop. But there are ways that you can keep your feet smelling fresh during your workouts so you can avoid the embarrassment that would otherwise come from having smelly feet. Check out the tips below and start implementing them today to prevent odor issues before they develop.

Wash Your Sneakers
When you sweat into your sneakers, bacteria can accumulate and cause your shoes to smell offensively. Therefore, if you have sneakers that you can throw into your washing machine, do so. Remove the shoelaces first, and then place the shoes into a pillowcase that you can then put into your washing machine. Once washed, allow them to air dry outside or in a dry, cool area of your house.

If your shoes are not machine washable, you can use a cloth that has been dipped into scented soapy water to gently clean them out by hand. Get rid of the soapy residue by using a damp, clean cloth, and then let them air dry as specified above.

By keeping your shoes smelling fresh and by removing bacteria from your shoes, you can more easily keep your feet smelling fresh because the odors won’t transfer onto your feet when you wear the sneakers. Stick with sneakers that are constructed of breathable materials, and avoid shoes made of synthetic materials like plastic.

How to Keep Your Feet Smelling Sweet
There are several easy ways to keep your feet smelling fresh every day. First off, make sure that you wash your feet every day, and focus on getting in between the toes. Dry them off thoroughly before you put on your socks or shoes.

If you are using body lotion on your feet but you have foot odor, you should stop using the lotion, as it is likely keeping your skin too moist and causing odors to occur.

Making sure your toenails are always kept short will prevent bacteria from hiding underneath them. Also, getting the right amount of zinc in your diet through foods and supplements will ensure that you won’t become deficient and develop foot odor as a result.

If you try all of the tips above and your feet still sweat excessively and they have an offensive odor, it is best to talk to your doctor or a podiatrist who can help you pinpoint the cause and give you the best solution.

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